Oh, Danny Boy...
Martin attacks in the final K |
Another big score for Le Pacte de Lupes has, in all likely hood, secured second year director sportif, Steven, 2nd place overall in the Wiskota Fantasy League. Danny boy Martin finally delivered on that high draft pick.
Maybe now he can get his teeth fixed |
Only a few races to go and only one more world tour stage race left, the vaunted Tour of Beijing. Coming off of the only, somewhat interesting year, ever, this piece of crap race is now defunct. Who will take this final race, who cares? Wait a minute, the final podium position is still up for grabs can the Neo-Pro hold on? Will Volpe manage to squeeze out a few more sprint points? Can Bill make a move or will he experience his first season off of the podium? Does Gregario have enough left in the tank? He only needs 56 points. Will Taco claim his second ever lanterne rouge? Yes, yes he will. Will we be eating tacos together as a team soon? I hope so. I'll be hitting people up for possible banquet dates, so check back soon.