Monday, February 17, 2014

The Spokes Man

... talking points from The Commish 

Is BMC Cool Again?

When BMC joined the Pro Tour in 2010 English speakers everywhere took note.  With the legendary Ochowicz of Team 7-11 fame at the helm and riders like Cadel Evans and Big George Hincapie leading the charge this quasi American team seemed like an obvious fan favorite.  A Tour de France win and a string of big name signings including Thor and PhilGil bolstered their reputation.  When TVG and Phinney (the great American hopes for the future) signed with BMC it became obvious this is the team to follow.  Well, that was 2 years ago and since then things haven't quite worked out as planned.  The retirement of Hincapie, a lack of results from their classics hopefuls, failure to win another grand tour and the less then meteoric progress of the great American hopes paired with the rise of another dominant English speaking team has left us with one question: is BMC still cool?

As 2014 gets into gear BMC seems poised to regain the title of coolest team.  But what really makes a team cool? Kits and Sponsors: Sure red and black is always cool and the whole Swiss watch connection naturally lends itself to the sport of racing.  National Champs:  Gotta do those jersey's well. Check the team pic above, looking good.  But we all know it's the riders that make the team.  Evans, Thor and Gilbert look to make a resurgence.  A cool team needs solid veterans but more importantly young guys who can shake things up.  Van Avermaet is a strong man to be reckoned with. Phinney is starting to win things and with his haircut and Twitter account he should keep the fans busy all year.  But the biggest change this year is the all out support for TVG.  Yeah, he gives a horrible interview but if he becomes the second American to win the Tour we won't care.  Oh yeah, did I mention they added a bad ass Colombian and Sammy Sanchez?  Cool again?  You tell me.


  1. Thanks for sharing some of the posters from your boudoir, really sells your opinion that BMC is cool again. I am stoked to see what the "taste maker" has in the oven this year!!! Also want to thank you for plugging my gerMan, Van Avermaet...Ya vol herr kommandant!

  2. BMC was always cool. Digital camo is lame. Stop talking TVG. GVA is a man. Gilbert, go back on the cortizone, acne? Cuddles=loveable. Pretty Boy Peter Velits! The Tastemaker, God of Thunder, Sammy "the golden boy" Sanchez, The Librarian, and a sneaky Columbian. This team wails!

  3. TVG was very impressive in Oman. His style matches up well with a Froome where he doesn't have to be as punchy. I still think Cadel has a good year (Lombardia?). The coolest thing would be if Samu has a big year (Ardennes? KOM jersey?)
