Thursday, March 10, 2016

Take the GreenLine

...Reichow offers up his irreverent take on the state of cycling

Michael Mathews continues to impress in Paris - Nice. 


  1. Irreverent? I'm just sayin'....the boy is BAD! Stage 3 cancelled due to SNOW in the "race to the sun"? Guess they got 100k in before calling it...not sure what this means or how it plays, but I heard something about it not affecting the BLING or his yellow jersey. Looks good on him, dont you think?

  2. Yeah, I don't know I was trying to come up with a column for you. If you ever have more "takes" send it over and I'll throw it up. If you want to change the title let me know.
    At first I dislked "bling" cause of the nickname, but then I realized he is better than Sagan and now I like him.
